
Showing posts from January, 2023


  CHAPTER 3 ~ Part I:  MADE MAD IN AMERICA  TL; DR NEXT UP ON MY TOUR OF THE BROKEN SYSTEMS IN AMERICA:  How I fell accidentally & unintentionally into the deeply dysfunctional “mental healthcare system” in America.   Why did I keep discovering all of these broken systems in America in 2020 AT THE ONSET OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC, you might ask? What can I say - I got a knack.   Actually, I believe it is because there is a natural enmity/animosity in this World between good vs evil, light vs dark, righteous vs the unrighteous and those out in the World trying to always do the right thing and those evil predators intent on stopping them so they can carry on criming and profiting from other people’s pain.    So far, I had come to fully understand the corrupt tommyrot of the “homeless outreach scam nonprofit system” in IL which never effectively rehouses anyone ever and I dared to call them out for it.  Then I took on the for-profit by private equity lethal nursing homes in IL and dared to